Dear Diary: My Confession (Part 3)

We moved to a new 2-bedroom apartment about 3 months after Honorable first bought corn from us. He & Mama became good friends and he came to our house a lot, and at any time too. Afterall, he paid for the apartment. One day, Mama told me Honorable was coming to visit us but she … Continue reading

Dear Diary: My Confession (Part 2)

Mama said “Orimisan, things are still very difficult”. She only called me Orimisan when I was in trouble, so my hatred for the name is understandable. I despised being called Ori more because of the memories the name carries. I shouldn’t get ahead of myself now. Many things happened between then and now. She signaled … Continue reading

Dear Diary: My Confession (Part 1)

Dear Diary, I had a good childhood. Don’t get me wrong please! The word “good” is relative. My childhood was superb if you compare it with what I went through some years before now. I never knew my dad. My mother never mentioned his name. I knew very early in life not to ask questions … Continue reading